新县于2001年被列为全国400个水电农村电气化县行列。截至2005年9月,新县投入电源、电网、负荷建设资金39965万元。技改电站2座,全县水电总装机容量增至6715kW,新建、改建电网线路3253.6km,变电总容量21.39万kWA,新建负荷8660kW。新县水电农村电气化县建设任务圆满完成,日前通过河南省政府组织的达标验收。电气化县项目的社会效益、经济效益、生态效益十分明显。1 基本情况新县位于河南省东南部大别山区,地处江淮流域脊线上,大别山脉从东向西横贯全境,一般海拔100~500m,全县总面积1612km~2,总人口34.83万人,耕地面积1.7万 hm~2,2004年
New County in 2001 was listed as the country’s 400 hydropower rural electrification count ranks. As of September 2005, the new county into power, power grids, load construction funds 399650000 yuan. Technical transformation of the two power stations, the county hydropower installed capacity increased to 6715kW, new, reconstructed power line 3253.6km, total substation capacity 213,900 kWA, the new load 8660kW. Xin County hydropower rural electrification County construction tasks successfully completed, passed the Henan provincial government organization compliance inspection. The social benefits, economic benefits and ecological benefits of the electrification county project are obvious. 1 Basic conditions New County is located in the southeastern part of Henan Province, Dabie Mountain, located in the Jianghuai Valley ridge line, the Dabie Mountains from east to west across the entire territory, the general altitude of 100 ~ 500m, the county total area of 1612km ~ 2, the total population of 348,300 , Arable land area of 17000 hm ~ 2, 2004