谷雨前后,牡丹盛放,姹紫嫣红,争奇斗妍,一派“万枝红艳露凝香”的胜景,将华夏大地点缀得分外妖娆。 牡丹,也称“花王”、“谷雨花”、“富贵花”等,毛茛科落叶小灌木,“故乡”在我国秦岭一带,迄今已有二千余年的历史。牡丹,秦汉时作为药物,供观赏用始于隋,盛于唐,白居易的“花开花落二十日,一城之人皆若狂”就描写了当时京城赏牡丹的盛况。北宋时,洛阳成了全国牡丹栽培中心,有“洛阳牡丹冠天下”之
Before and after the valley rain, peony bloom, colorful, contests fighting Yeon, a group of “million branches Hongyan dew condensate incense,” the scenery, the Chinese embellishment scored particularly enchanting. Peony, also known as “Kao”, “Gu Yuhua”, “rich flowers”, Ranunculaceae shrubs, “hometown” in our country Qinling area, so far has more than 2,000 years of history. Peony, Qin and Han as a drug for viewing began with Sui, flourished in the Tang and Bai’s “flowers bloom on the 20th, one city of all are crazy,” describes the grand occasion of the city to see the peony. Northern Song Dynasty, Luoyang became the national peony cultivation center, a “Luoyang Peony crown the world.”