
来源 :水上消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suddysand
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岁末年初,是辞旧迎新之时。辞,是回顾,是总结,是寻求一种持久的动力;迎,是谋划,是向往,是激发一种创新的创造活力。对广大水上消防工作者来说,也是如此。交通运输部公安局近期下发的《交通公安今冬明春第二次“清剿火患”战役工作方案》直奔主题:如何以求真、务实的精神对新一年工作进行谋划、制定对策,推进水上消防工作的创新发展,使交通公安消防工作再跃新台阶。再跃新台阶,必须把握新契机。当前,国家正处于全面建成小康社会、进而建成富强民主文明和谐的 The year-end and New Year holidays are when the new year starts. Resignation is a review, a conclusion, and a permanent motivation. It is a plan, a longing, and an innovative and creative activity. The same is true of the majority of water firefighters. Public Security Bureau recently issued by the Ministry of Public Transportation “Public Security Winter and Winter this year, the second ” to eliminate fire “” campaign work plan "straight to the topic: how to truth-seeking, pragmatic spirit of the new year work plan, develop Countermeasures, promote the innovation and development of water fire fighting work, make traffic police fire fighting work to a new level. To leap to a new stage, we must grasp new opportunities. At present, the state is in the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way and building a prosperous, democratic and civilized society
本文简要地介绍了水库检漏的非示踪方法和示踪方法,有助于探究水库渗漏的通道。 This article briefly introduces the non-tracing method and tracing method of reservoir
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