日本为使工业标准化行政工作更好地适应社会经济发展的需要 ,积极采取对策 ,加强相关工作。一、加强国际标准化工作为使日本工业标准 (以下简称JIS)与ISO等国际标准保持一致 ,积极参加国际标准化活动 ,努力实现国际标准能充分反映日本意向的目标 ,日本采取了如下对策。1
In order to make the industrial standardization administrative work better adapted to the needs of social and economic development, Japan has taken active measures to strengthen relevant work. I. Strengthening International Standardization In order to align the Japanese Industrial Standards (hereinafter referred to as JIS) with international standards such as ISO and actively participate in international standardization activities and strive to achieve the goal that international standards can fully reflect Japan’s intention, Japan has taken the following measures. 1