1978年11月28~29日,日本东北大学选矿冶炼研究所、选矿冶炼研究会、日本矿业会东北支部,在日本东北大学选矿冶炼研究所礼堂共同主持召开了第十七次选矿研究座谈会。会议的主题是:难处理矿物的选矿,与会者达100名之多。会上讨论了以下几个题目。 (1) 国外生产的难处理矿物的选矿:叙述了玻利维亚的锡,加拿大的镍、铜,澳大利亚的铅、锌矿矿石的性质及浮选研究的结果; (2) 某些低品位铜矿的浮选试验:报道了对东南亚地区的低品位铜矿石使用guartec及其他选矿剂使用效果的探讨; (3) 日本花轮矿山黑矿的选矿:报道了日本花轮矿山不同矿床的矿石浮选条件变化的考察; (4) 对于黑矿用SO_2气体浮选的机理:介
1978 November 28 ~ 29, Japan Northeastern University Institute of mineral processing and smelting, beneficiation and smelting Research Association, Japan Mining Association Northeast Branch, Institute of Mineral Processing and smelting in Japan’s Northeastern University jointly hosted the seventeenth beneficiation research forum. The theme of the conference was: Mineral processing difficult to deal with up to 100 participants. The meeting discussed the following topics. (1) Beneficiation of refractory minerals produced abroad: The properties of lead and zinc ore from nickel and copper in Canada, and the results of flotation studies of nickel and copper in Canada; and (2) Flotation test: Report on the use of guartec and other concentrates for low-grade copper ores in Southeast Asia; (3) Beneficiation of black mines in Japan’s Hwaseon Mine: The ore flotation of different deposits in Japan’s Hwaseon Mine was reported (4) For the flotation mechanism of SO 2 gas in black mines: medium