Contrast and analyze the teaching effect of MOOC and traditional classroom teaching based on chronic

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  【Abstract】Rapid development of MOOC strongly impacts the traditional higher education in China, which promote us to rethink the reform of chronic disease management theory course in Colleges and Universities
  Based on chronic disease management, the paper discusses the problems existing in the traditional higher education mode, and analyzes the advantages and the impact of MOOC on the development of traditional higher education. The paper aims to find a new pathway to the development of Chinese higher education under the impact of MOOC, so that MOOC will play an important role in the new round reform of educational and teaching.
  【Key words】MOOC; chronic disease management; traditional classroom teaching; innovation
  1. Introduction
  MOOC is massive open online courses, and illustrated as “a participant distributed all over the country, but also the distribution of course materials on the network course” in Wikipedia. Open courses as an important form of open educational resources, is an important part of online education and teaching. The design, development and implementation of open course show significant effects on online education, so the construction of open course resources becomes very important.
  The study contrasts and analyzes the teaching effect of MOOC and traditional classroom teaching based on chronic disease management, and discusses how to use the MOOC platform to improve the effect of nursing practice teaching in University.
  2. MOOC of chronic disease management
  As a new teaching model, MOOC has gradually been adopted by domestic and foreign universities, and has achieved certain results. However, according to the teaching situation of network platform in our university is still not perfect, MOOC education can not completely replace the role of teachers, the combination of online and traditional teaching would achieve the ideal teaching effect. MOOC of chronic disease management in our university mainly present as following aspects.
  2.1 Education contents of MOOC on chronic disease management
  The course refers to many materials such as “Chronic disease management” “Health nursing” and so on. The arrangement of the teaching contents of 6 learning topics, namely the health management of constipation patients, health management of gout patients, health management of diabetic patients, health management of patients with hypertension, health management of stroke patients, and health management of patients with coronary heart disease.   2.2 Education method of MOOC
  The content of chronic disease management is wide, and knowledge is scattered. In order to achieve better teaching effect and easily grasp the course for students, variety of teaching methods should be used, including questions method, discussion method and demonstration method. Among them, the case teaching method is an often used and very important teaching method.
  2.3 Assessment methods of MOOC
  The course grade of Good University Online is consisting with online scores and comprehensive scores. The course online score of 100 points, including: objective practice 60%, subjective practice 20%, and courseware browsing 20%.The comprehensive score of the course is 100 points. It consists of three parts: Online scores, offline scores (exams) and other items. Other items include other bonus items except the flipped classroom. Online scores are 50% and offline scores is 50%, and there may be additional points additional items (flipped classroom 5%), but the total score is not more than 100 points. In general, the integrated curriculum is more than 60 grades, namely courses conformity.
  2.4 Results and effects of MOOC
  The monitoring students’ access behavior of the network curriculum is similar to check attendance in the realistic classroom. Online login is a student learning time and learning times, so that the teachers can inspect each class, and overall grasp the whole platform access status. The students attend the MOOC of chronic diseases management during the experiment as following (Figure 1).
  Figure 1. The number of students visiting the course platform of chronic diseases management every day
  3. Advantages and characteristics of MOOC
  The advantage of MOOC lies in the transform from teachers in former classroom to students as oriented body. The online platform strengthened the interaction between students and teachers, and also cultivated students’ autonomous learning.
  The advantage of MOOC is obviously. However, there still is absence the obvious data to support the teaching effect of MOOC. This topic aims at the “chronic diseases management”, the students are divided into traditional classroom teaching and the MOOC teaching.
  4. Discussion
  Based on the learning attitude, attendance, homework completion, final exams scores, and questionnaire, the students during the MOOC teaching could obtain recognition and acceptance for MOOC pattern, compared with traditional classroom teaching. MOOC really can achieve the expected results, for example, to mobilize students’ learning initiative and stimulate students’ curiosity. And the effect of MOOC is obviously superior to the traditional classroom teaching in the final performance comparison.   However, carrying out MOOC teaching is facing the following problems:
  1) Whether students can actively watch videos and actively participate in the discussion? How to guide students to accept this new teaching model?
  2) What is the actual teaching effect? How to determine the evaluation index and evaluation system and evaluation method? How to compare the quality between the traditional teaching and MOOC, and how to judge the comparing results is correct (or reasonable)? We should pay more attention to the cultivation of students’ interest in learning and the learning ability to adapt to this new teaching mode. The above results are not reflected and measured during the period of school.
  3) The teachers’ enthusiasm is the most important factor. The appearance of MOOC increases the sense of crisis for teachers. To be a teacher on MOOC, the key is to talk more to students, and to discuss with the students in class.
  However, MOOC can play a role in increasing public health literacy, providing continuing professional education and stimulating the development of innovative teaching models for student learning focused on chronic diseases management.
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【摘要】随着教学改革的不断深入,我国教育机构的教学方法有了很大的改进,但英语教学仍存在一些需要解决的问题。在初中英语教学中,阅读理解对学生来说很重要,但也是难点。而传统的英语教学,教师在教授英语阅读理解时,还是遵循以往分析全文的方式进行。学生只学会翻译文本,但他们仍然不知道如何应用在具体问题中。本文讨论了阅读中存在的问题并提出了相应的对策,希望能为相关学者提供一些参考。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读
【摘要】完形填空是高考的一项重要组成部分,涉及的知识面很广,难度大,区分度高,考查的是考生的阅读理解能力和综合应用语言的能力。本文结合完形填空的特点和命题规律,从语境词汇,逻辑关系,文化常识等方面,分析了完形填空的解题技巧。  【关键词】完形填空;语境;词汇;逻辑;常识  【作者简介】王骋骋,安徽省阜阳市颍州区阜阳五中。  一、完形填空的特点  1. 记叙文为主。完形填空题材广泛,近年来记叙文尤其
【摘要】英语教师在英语阅读课堂中理解文本和编排问题的能力直接影响着学生的课堂积极性和参与感,制约着学生阅读理解能力的提升和创造性思维的发展。本文从学生特点和教材内容两方面出发,结合自身的教学苏教版《牛津英语》的实践,旨在探讨初中英语阅读教学中主问题设计的策略,以达到用主问题来牵引整篇文章的“牵一发而动全身”的教学效果。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读教学;问题设计  就有关初中英语教学中的课堂提问来看
【摘要】合作学习就是指学生在小组中为了完成共同的目标与任务,有明确责任分工的互助性学习。合作学习是对其他学习方式的补充和改进,它强调以集体授课为基础,以合作学习小组活动为主体形式,力求体现集体性与个体性的统一。将合作学习运用于英语课堂中,能帮助学生更好地理解和掌握英语文化,提高英语交际能力。  【关键词】英语课堂;小组合作学习  【作者简介】楼丽燕,浙江省义乌市实验小学教育集团。  一、小组合作学
【摘要】当前随着新课标在高中教学中的深入推进,对于高中生的英语词汇量的要求也有了提升。在传统的英语教学中,词汇教学存在一定的缺陷,因此在新时期下也应该有效针对高中英语词汇教学现状来有效做出改进,通过结合翻转课堂的相关理念,在教学中融入更有效的教学模式,帮助提升学生的单词以及能力,进而为其夯实英语基础。  【关键词】翻转课堂;高中英语;词汇教学  一、翻转课堂教学理念  翻转课堂是一种新型的课堂模式
【摘要】对于高职院校的学生来讲,其英语基础普遍差,英语学习热情不高,而老师为了提升学生的学习兴趣和学习质量,需要转变教学方法,更新教学策略。微课是新时期逐渐发展起来的教学方式,本文就结合教学实际,对微课在高职英语教学中的应用问题进行分析论述。  【关键词】微课;高职英语;教学应用  【作者简介】王红梅,河北地质职工大学。  新课改背景下,高职院校的英语教学工作需要进行创新,以更好地适应时代的发展要
伴随着生命化课堂改革的深入,我越来越深刻地体会到要使英语课堂富有生活气息、彰显生命活力,不仅要告别话剧独白式的授课模式,关注学生的内在的学习动机、兴趣和热情,更要从“目标-评价-教学一致性”课堂生成角度出发,蹲下来,倾听学生的声音,努力发掘每个学生的潜能,激发每个孩子的创造力,建立互动、合作的教学模式,打破师生间的“玻璃墙”。  一、依课标、钻教材、体学情,确立清晰的学科目标  教学目标是教学活动