一、合裕线航道概况及整治工程 合裕线(合肥市——裕溪口)航道是安徽省省会合肥市和巢湖市通向长江的唯一水上通道,也是安徽省继长江、淮河之后的第三条重要航道。航道起点为合肥市区一环路桥,由南淝河、巢湖、裕溪河三段组成。在裕溪口入长江,全长142.2公里。合裕线航道已列入《长江水系航运规划报告》、《全国水运主通道总体布局规划》及安徽省内河航道“九五”计划重点建设项目中,全线按三级航道标准规划。 但是合裕线航道现状条件较差,存在主要的问题有:(1)跨河桥梁净空高度偏低,高水碍航。(2)枯水季节,水深不够,全线碍航。(3)局部航道狭窄,转弯半径偏小,主要是裕溪河铁路桥下
First, the general situation and rehabilitated works of the Aru Yu line Waterway (Hefei - Yuxikou) is the only waterway leading to the Yangtze River in Anhui Province, Hefei and Chaohu City, but also after the Yangtze River in Anhui Province, Huaihe after the first Three important waterways. Starting point for the waterway in Hefei City, a ring road bridge, by the Nanxun River, Chaohu, Yuxi River three sections. Yuxi mouth into the Yangtze River, a total length of 142.2 km. The A-yu route is included in the “Yangtze River Waterway Shipping Planning Report”, “National Waterway Main Channel General Layout Plan” and Anhui Inland Waterway “Ninth Five-Year Plan” key construction projects, according to the third-class fairway standard planning. However, the condition of the current channel of Aoyu Line is poor, and the main problems are as follows: (1) The clearance height of cross-river bridges is too low, and high water is the obstacle to navigation. (2) dry season, water depth is not enough, across the board impede navigation. (3) The local waterway is narrow with a small turning radius, mainly under the Yuxi River railway bridge