1842年8月29日,清政府在英军大炮的威逼之下,被迫与英国政府签订了中国近代史上第一个不平等条约——《南京条约》。该条约第三款规定:“今大皇帝准将香港一岛给予英国君主及嗣后世袭主位者,常远主掌,任使立法治理。”从此,香港岛被割让给英国。 作为殖民统治的必然产物,种族歧视问题在香港开埠初期表现得十分严重。本文拟从政治、法律、教育以及社会生活的其他方面揭示19世纪中期至20世纪初期香港华人所
On August 29, 1842, under the intimidation of British artillery, the Qing government was forced to sign the Treaty of Nanjing, the first unequal treatise in Chinese modern history, with the British government. The third paragraph of the treaty stipulates: “At present, the great emperor is permitted to grant an island in Hong Kong to the British monarch and subsequent hereditary protagonist, and Chang Yuan is in charge of making the legislation governed.” Since then, Hong Kong Island has been ceded to the United Kingdom. As a corollary of colonial rule, the problem of racial discrimination has been very serious during the early days of Hong Kong’s opening. This article intends to reveal the Chinese, Hong Kong, from the middle of the 19th century to the early 20th century from the political, legal, educational, and other aspects of social life