有人挑选了20世纪以来欧美伟人400名,看其中哪类人的寿命最长。结果读书人居首,平均寿命为79岁。我国也有人对秦汉以来13088名著名知识分子的寿命进行统计分析,其平均寿命也远远超过当时人群的平均寿命。 读书何以能够养生延寿?首先在于书是精神旺盛的营养品,读书能滋补身心。经常接受新观念新知识,心中充实,生活如源头活水。书是精神向上的净化剂,认真读书能达到超然升华的境界。“酒多人颠,书多人贤”,
Someone has picked 400 great men in Europe and the United States since the 20th century to see which of them has the longest life expectancy. The results of reading first, the average life expectancy of 79 years. Some people in our country also conducted statistical analysis on the life span of 13,088 famous intellectuals since the Qin and Han Dynasties, and their average life expectancy far exceeded the average life expectancy of the people at that time. How to read books to extend life expectancy? The first is that books are energetic nutrients, reading can nourish the body and mind. Often accept new ideas and new knowledge, full of heart, life, such as the source of living water. Book is a spiritual upward purification agent, serious reading can achieve supernatural sublimation of the realm. “Wine multi-person Britain, many people book”