雅克达尔(Jacques Dars)先生是法国国家博士、国立科研中心一级研究员、著名的汉学家和翻译家。被法语世界称为“绝妙之作”的《水浒》120回法译本,便出自他的笔下。在此前后,他还翻译过《鬼门关》(中国古代鬼怪故事选)、《剪灯新语》、《清平山堂话本》、《徐霞客游记》等中国古典名著。他1937年出生于巴黎,精通法、英、汉、德、意等多种语言,“文革”前曾来北京大学进修。由于早就仰慕我国明代著名地理学家徐霞客,他自取的中文名字便是既谐音又达情的“谭
Jacques Dars is a Ph.D. in France, a Fellow at the National Research Center, a renowned scholar and translator. From the French world as “wonderful” “Water Margin” 120 back to France translation, it comes from his writing. Before and after this, he also translated Chinese classical masterpieces such as “Ghost Gate Pass” (Selected Ancient Chinese Ghost Stories), “New Scissors”, “Qing Ping Shan Tong Hua Ben” and “Xu Xiake Travels”. He was born in Paris in 1937, proficient in French, English, Chinese, German, Italian and other languages, before the “Cultural Revolution” had come to Peking University for further studies. Since admiring Xu Xiake, a famous geographer in the Ming Dynasty in China, his self-serving Chinese name is both "Tan