多数中外学者认为 ,186 7年人间鼠疫从云南传入当时的广东北海 (今属广西 )。我们对广东古代疫情资料调查证明 :186 7~ 1892年鼠疫主要在北海、茂名、湛江、海南等地流行 ;1894年前后流行于珠江三角洲 ;潮汕地区的流行集中在 1898年前后。186 7~ 1911年广东人间鼠疫频繁流行
Most Chinese and foreign scholars think that the human plague came from Yunnan at that time into Guangdong Beihai (now Guangxi) at that time. Our investigation of the data of the ancient epidemic in Guangdong proved that the plague was mainly epidemic in the Beihai, Maoming, Zhanjiang and Hainan from 1878 to 1892; it was prevailed in the Pearl River Delta around 1894; and the prevalence in Chaoshan was concentrated around 1898. 186 7 ~ 1911 Guangdong plague epidemic