1991年夏季,素有苏北“粮仓”之誉的里下河地区,遭受了百年未遇的特大雨涝灾害袭击,损失惨重。盲目圈围湖荡加剧了雨涝灾害,这是一个深刻的教训。国务院和江苏省委、省政府都曾严肃指出其危害,要求认真处理.灾区人民痛定思痛,目前正在逐圩登记,标图造册,落实分批滞涝和清障措施。与此同时,一个现实而又紧迫的问题是:今后该怎样管好用好湖荡呢? 一、加强湖荡管理的必要性“湖,面积很大,是被陆地围着的积水。”“荡,浅水湖,是积水长草的洼地。”这是词典对湖荡的解释。里下河腹部地区的湖荡,一方面作
In the summer of 1991, the Lixiahe area, known as the “granary” in the northern part of Jiangsu Province, suffered heavy losses of floods and floods in the past hundred years without exception. It is a profound lesson to blindly surround the lake and exacerbate the floods and floods. The State Council, Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government have all pointedly pointed out their harms and demanded earnest treatment. The people in the affected areas have taken pains and are now registering each other by plotting, plotting and cataloging, implementing the measures of waterlogging and flood clearance in batches. At the same time, a realistic and urgent question is: How to manage and make good use of the lake in the future? I. The Necessity of Strengthening the Management of the Lake “The lake is a huge area covered with stagnant water.” “Swim, shallow lakes, is the depression of long grass.” This is the dictionary of the lake to explain. Lixiahe area of the lake swing, on the one hand