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余成明生于重庆,号塔子山人,国画家。现任徐悲鸿故居重庆磐溪画院院长、中国国画家协会理事、国家级画师、中国书画联谊会会员、徐悲鸿纪念馆、中国美术家协会会员、香港,中国美协四川、重庆会员,中国逻辑与语言函授大学艺术系兼职教授、中华当代书画艺术研究会名誉会长。毕业于重庆艺校,进修在西南美专。涉峡江、越巴山、近取诸身、裁成一相、远搜各物、囊括万殊。画作《航标》、《山乡集市》、《古镇逢春》、《三峡浪》、《山高水长》、《峡江烟云》等作品,入选国内外美展并获金、银、铜奖。1969年参加毛主席韶山故居、长沙纪念馆美术创作。作品曾在日本、韩国、台湾、泰国、纽约及香港等地展出。1999年中国文联批准特授予“海峡两岸德艺双馨艺术家”、2000年国家文化部批准特授予“世界华人艺术家”、国际美联授予“世界书画艺术名人”等称号。作品被徐悲鸿纪念馆、香港石景宜文化艺术馆、张大千纪念馆、韶山毛主席故居纪念馆、长沙纪念馆收藏。个人业绩载入《中国当代美术家人名录》《、中国当代艺术界名人录》《、中国现代美术家人名大辞典》、《中国美术全集》、《世界当代著名书画家真迹博览大典》、《世界华人艺术精品大典》、人民日报海外版入选《中华艺苑名家》专栏画家等辞典中。 Yu Chengming was born in Chongqing, No. Tower Hill, the country painter. He is the former residence of Xu Beihong, director of Chongqing Panxi Painting Academy, director of Chinese Painters’ Association, national painter, member of Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Association, Xu Beihong Memorial, member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong, Sichuan, Chongqing, member of China Logic and Language Part-time professor of the Department of Art, honorary president of the Chinese calligraphy and painting art research association. Graduated from Chongqing Arts School, studying in the Southwest United College. Involved in the Gap River, Yue Bar Hill, nearly take the body, cut into one phase, far from all things, including Wanshu. Works such as “Airsoft”, “Mountain Market”, “Spring in the Old Town,” “Three Gorges Wave,” “Long Mountain Water”, “Xiajiang Smoke” and other works were selected for domestic and international art exhibitions and won gold, silver and bronze medals. In 1969 to participate in Chairman Mao Shaoshan former residence, Changsha memorial art creation. His works have been exhibited in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, New York and Hong Kong. In 1999, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles approved the awarding of “Double-decker Double Happiness Artist”. In 2000, the Ministry of Culture approved the title of “Chinese Artists in the World” and “American Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Artists” awarded by the International Federation of the United States. His works are collected by Xu Beihong Memorial Hall, Hong Kong Shi Jingyi Culture and Art Museum, Zhang Daqian Memorial Hall, Shaoshan Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and Changsha Memorial Hall. Personal performance is listed in the “Chinese Contemporary Artists List”, “Chinese contemporary art celebrities”, “Chinese modern artists Dictionary of Names”, “Chinese Art Collection”, “world famous contemporary calligrapher authentic exhibition exposition”, “world Chinese art boutique ceremony, ”People’s Daily overseas edition selected“ Chinese art master ”columnist and other dictionaries.
摘要:教学理念决定着教学质量。作为一名小学语文教师,必须正确地树立语文教学理念,认真学习语文教育史,分析语文学科的性质、特点和任务,正确认识社会发展对人才的需求,运用科学的方法,研究语文教学中出现的新问题、新现象,总结语文教学改革中的新经验,掌握语文教育教学的规律,形成自己的教学主张。  关键词:小学生、语文素养、提高、兴趣  《义务教育语文课程标准》指出:“九年义务教育阶段的语文课程,必须面向全