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世界地热会议是全世界层次最高、规模最大的地热界学术会议,每5年一次。此次在日本举行的2000年世界地热会议,与会的专家和公司厂家代表共有2000多人。经会议审核后正式出版并制成光盘发表的论文共330篇,其中在大会和专题会报告的共133篇,涉及地热学科各个领域。内容包括地热地质基础理论、地热勘探、钻井技术、测井技术、热储工程、地热发电、地热直接利用、经济分析、回灌技术和环境保护等,并以“可持续发展”作为大会专业主题。此次大会堪称世界地热界第一盛会。 World Geothermal Conference is the world’s highest level, the largest academic conference geothermal sector, once every 5 years. The 2000 World Geothermal Conference held in Japan, the participating experts and company representatives a total of more than 2,000 people. A total of 330 papers were published and made available on CD-ROM after the meeting’s review, of which 133 were reported in the congress and the symposium, covering all fields of geothermal sciences. The contents include the basic theory of geothermal geology, geothermal exploration, drilling technology, logging technology, thermal storage project, geothermal power generation, direct geothermal utilization, economic analysis, recharge technology and environmental protection. With “Sustainable Development” as the conference Professional theme. The conference can be called the first event of the world’s geothermal industry.
那几年,我所在的一家国有外贸企业正处于鼎盛时期。为了扩大出口,老总让我跟随即将退休的高书记到乌干达去做推销。未曾料想的是,那次推销之旅险些踏上了一条不归路,至今回想起来还有些后怕。    商途突遇政变    带着两大行旅箱精挑细选价廉物美的轻工产品,我们登上了去乌国的飞机。在机场的出口,我的老同学张勤和商务常参赞已早早在那里迎候。由于连年的战乱,这个东非国家国力衰落,民不聊生。机场通往市中心的道路