目的了解扶风县手足口病的流行特征,为制定切实、可行的疫情控制措施提供依据。方法采用流行病学研究方法对扶风县2008-2014年手足口病疫情资料予以分析。结果 2008-2014年间全县共发生手足口病病例2 228例,男性1 496例,女性732例;发病高峰为每年的4~7月,发病重点人群是0~3岁散居儿童,发病数占83.66%。结论防治的重点在每年4~7月份,加强0~3岁散居儿童的预防和控制措施。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease in Fufeng County and provide the basis for making practical and feasible epidemic control measures. Methods Epidemiological methods were used to analyze the epidemic situation of HFMD in Fufeng County from 2008 to 2014. Results A total of 2 228 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease occurred in the county from 2008 to 2014, including 1 496 males and 732 females. The peak incidence was from April to July every year. 83.66%. Conclusion The focus of prevention and treatment is from April to July each year, to strengthen prevention and control measures for scattered children aged 0-3 years.