19世纪,法国艺术始终处在西方艺术舞台的中心,各种思潮、流派纷呈辈出,大放异彩。法国美术自新古典主义、浪漫主义之后,于30年代萌发了现实主义美术思潮,并在1848——1870年达到高峰,后影响至欧洲各国。 这一时期的法国现实主义美术,既指艺术的创作方法,也指艺术的写实手法。在题材上,抛弃了新古典主义传说与英雄人物、浪漫主义的中世纪与东方题材,把目光投向现实生活,扩大了艺术创作的题材范围。在艺术表现上,强调自然美和真实美,以追求写实手法为特点,如实地描绘大自然和反映现实生活。在表现技巧上也得到提高,特
In the 19th century, French art always stood at the center of the western art stage. Various thoughts and schools of various genres were flourishing and splendid. Since the beginning of neoclassicism and romanticism, French fine arts emerged the realist trend of fine arts in the 1930s and peaked in 1848-1870, which affected many European countries. The French realist art of this period refers not only to the artistic method of creation but also to the realistic technique of art. In the theme, abandoned neoclassical legends and heroes, romantic medieval and eastern themes, turn their sights on real life, expanding the scope of subject matter of artistic creation. In artistic expression, emphasizing the natural beauty and the true beauty, characterized by the pursuit of realistic means, depicts nature truthfully and reflects the real life. In the performance skills have also been improved, especially