007.秋水仙碱有较好的抗肿瘤与治疗痛风效用,国外还用以治疗肝硬化,请提供有关的资料。 Rojkind和Kershenobich证明秋水仙碱能阻止用四氯化碳处理大鼠肝纤维化的发生,并改善肝功能。Rojkind等也报道秋水仙碱能改善7例严重肝硬化病人的临床过程,每日1~2mg,经两周治疗后,所有病人的临床表现都有明显改善,而且在6例高胆红素血症病人中有5例的血浆胆红素水平几乎恢复到正常。
007. Colchicine has better anti-tumor and gout treatment, and abroad is also used to treat cirrhosis. Please provide relevant information. Rojkind and Kershenobich showed that colchicine can prevent the treatment of rat liver fibrosis with carbon tetrachloride and improve liver function. Rojkind et al. Also reported that colchicine can improve the clinical course of 7 patients with severe cirrhosis, 1 ~ 2mg daily. After two weeks of treatment, the clinical manifestations of all patients have been significantly improved. In 6 patients with hyperbilirubinemia Serum bilirubin levels in 5 of the affected patients almost returned to normal.