山西省史志研究院的同志给我送来一本师文华、牛崇辉等人主编的《中国共产党与山西抗战》。翻开一看,从章节的结构和标题就感到很有特点。由此,引发了我的兴趣,一睹为快。看过内文之后,觉得这本书确实有其独特之处。这不仅是一部史论结合的党史、抗战史的学术佳作,也是一部进行社会主义精神文明建设的生动教材。 我们知道,在抗日战争中,山西是华北敌后战场的中心,山西军民为抗日战争的胜利,作出了重大贡献。在八年抗战中,山西人民在
Comrades from the Shi Zhi Institute in Shanxi Province sent me a copy of “The Chinese Communist Party and Shanxi Anti-Japanese War” edited by Shi Wenhua, Niu Chonghui and others. Looked open, from the chapter structure and title feel very special. As a result, triggered my interest to see faster. After reading the text, I feel that this book does have its own unique features. This is not only an academic masterpiece combining the history of the Party with the history, the history of anti-Japanese war, but also a vivid teaching material for the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. We know that in the War of Resistance Against Japan, Shanxi was the center of the battlefield in the enemy’s rear of North China. Shanxi’s army and civilians made a significant contribution to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. During the eight-year war, the people of Shanxi were there