Application of liquid pre-column capillary electrophoresis technique to the study of interaction bet

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:passiionlu
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Based on the chiral separation of several basie drugs, dimetindene, tetryzoline, theodrenaline and verapamil, the liquid pre-colunm capillary electrophoresis (LPC-CE) technique was established. It was used to determine free concentrations of drug enantiomers in mixed solutions with human serum albumin (HSA). To prevent HSA entering the CE chiral separation zone, the mobility differences between HSA and drugs under a specific pH condition were employed in the LPC. Thus, the detection confusion caused by protein was totally avoided. Further study of binding constants determination and protein binding competitions was carried out. The study proves that the LPC technique could be used for complex media, particularly the matrix of protein coexisting with a variety of drugs. Based on the chiral separation of several basie drugs, dimetindene, tetryzoline, theodrenaline and verapamil, the liquid pre-colunm capillary electrophoresis (LPC-CE) technique was established. It was used to determine free concentrations of drug enantiomers in mixed solutions with human serum albumin (HSA). To prevent HSA entering the CE chiral separation zone, the mobility differences between between HSA and drugs under a specific pH condition were employed in the LPC. Further study of binding constants determination and protein binding competitions was carried out. The study proves that the LPC technique could be used for complex media, particularly the matrix of protein coexisting with a variety of drugs.
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