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对于大部分人,选择冬日进藏是需要一点勇气的,但于我而言,重回到拉萨却又是不需要理由的冬日的西藏很神秘,严寒与冰雪似乎成了它与世隔绝的说辞。然而表象毕竟只是对于游客而言,真正懂得拉萨的人已经不再去和青藏铁路的夏季旅行团们凑热闹,而是选在年时上去晒太阳,享受日光城宜人的温暖气候。因为这时候的拉萨,毕竟比北京要温暖许多。论及交通,现在进藏的条件比起三年前舒服不少,单是青藏铁路的开通,就成了喜欢“偷懒”旅行者的福音:一来可以省去大笔的机票开销,二来减免了火车与汽车之间的周折,还能躺在干净舒适的车厢里饱览秀色,可谓上算。值得提及的是,格拉路段将所有进藏列车的行车时间调整到全日间,为的就是方便乘客能够在白天体会到青藏线的全貌,比起以前窝在臭哄哄的卧铺大巴里熬钟头,这次显然是趟体面又人性化的旅行。本以为再次回到拉萨能够平静地面对熟 For most people, it takes a bit of courage to choose to go to Tibet in winter, but for me it is very mysterious that winter returns to Lhasa but it does not require any reason. The cold and the snow seem to have become its isolated words . However, after all, the image is only for tourists. Those who really know Lhasa are no longer going to join the summer tours of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. They choose to go to the sun during the year and enjoy the pleasant warmth of daylight. Because at this time of Lhasa, after all, much warmer than Beijing. With regard to transportation, the conditions for entry to Tibet are much more comfortable than those three years ago. The opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway alone has become a blessing to travelers who “lazy”: one can save a lot of air ticket expenses, Second, to reduce the twists and turns between the train and the car, but also lie in a clean and comfortable carriage full of beauty, can be described as on the count. It is worth mentioning that the Gera Road section will be all the train travel time into Tibet throughout the day, in order to facilitate passengers in the day to appreciate the full picture of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, compared to the nest before the bus in the smelly sleeper boil for an hour This is obviously a trip to decent and humane. I thought I could return to Lhasa again to face the calm
NBA 今年“二月风暴”球员交易大搬风,不只是看热闹,新闻热度一过就退烧,还要懂得看门道,看这些当初炒得火热,经过精心策画的重量级球星大洗牌,到底是照着剧本揭开“梦幻”序
对近几十年来国内外在木材干燥应力的测量及计算方法,以及干燥过程应力应变的研究进展及成果进行了简要的介绍,并对未来的研究方向和重点提出了自己的看法和见解。 In recen
The present specimen was loaned to me for investigation by my friend, Dr. W. H. Wong, Director of the Geological Survey of China. It was collected from Fan Chu
表層氮化的方法与原理表層硬化的方法很多,氮化法是其中的一種。操作的方法是把工作物放在氮化箱(Nitriding box)里,加熱到850°F至1200°F的溫度範圍,使其表面與氮氣接觸約
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平面试样研究的络果 高周波加热时温度的影响,是在温度从780°到 1310°C的范围中进行研究,而加热速度的影响,是在每 秒 50,100,200,300,400, 500, 600, 700和 800°C的加 热