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2006年12月11日晚,甘肃省临夏州中级人民法院刑二庭庭长陈义明及其妻子、孙子和保姆一家4口在家中被枪杀,每个人均身中数枪,地板上还散落着弹壳……作为建国后第一起庭长被灭门的惨案,此案很快震惊全国。公安部、甘肃省委和省政府均做出重要指示:尽快侦破此案!警方迅速成立了“12.11”特大持枪杀人案专案组,并悬赏5万元征集破案线索,公安部还专门派出刑侦、技术专家指导侦破工作。经过137天的奋战,除犯罪嫌疑人孟繁军自杀身亡外,警方最终将涉案的朱建林、蒋志强和朱建民等人全部抓获。2007年11月6日,省高级人民法院终审判决:维持一审对蒋志强、朱建林的死刑判决,并依法报请最高人民法院核准。2008年1月25日上午,蒋志强、朱建林被押赴刑场执行死刑。经查明,本案是一起有预谋的报复杀人案。记者亲自赶赴案发地,进行了深入细致的采访,了解到了许多不为人知的内幕。在这几名嫌犯中,除蒋志强没有犯罪前科外,其他人都是罪恶累累的惯犯。蒋志强被抓后不停地忏悔,他为自己交友不慎给被害人和家人造成无法挽回的恶果而追悔莫及……那么,在家人朋友眼里爱家爱子、老实本分的蒋志强为何会与这些劣迹斑斑的在一起?他是如何一步步踏上持枪杀人的不归路的?本案能带给人们什么启示呢? On the evening of December 11, 2006, Chen Yi-ming, president of the Criminal Court of Linxia Intermediate People’s Court of Gansu Province, and his wife, grandson and nanny were all shot at home. Each of them shot a few guns in the house, and on the floor were scattered shells ... As the first massacre of the president since the founding of the People’s Republic, the case quickly shocked the entire country. Ministry of Public Security, Gansu Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government have made important instructions: as soon as possible to detect the case! Police quickly set up a “12.11” special case of large gun homicide, and a reward of 50,000 yuan to solicit clues to solve the case, Ministry of Public Security also specialized Sent criminal investigation, technical experts to guide the detection work. After 137 days of fighting, in addition to suspect Meng Fanjun committed suicide, the police finally involved Zhu Jianlin, Jiang Zhiqiang and Zhu Jianmin and others were all captured. On November 6, 2007, the Higher People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China final verdict: to maintain the first instance of Jiang Zhiqiang, Zhu Jianlin’s death sentence, and submitted to the Supreme People’s Court for approval. On the morning of January 25, 2008, Jiang Zhiqiang and Zhu Jianlin were executed on the execution ground to execute the death penalty. After investigation, the case is a premeditated revenge murder case. Reporters personally rushed to the incident, conducted a detailed interview, learned many unknown insider. Among these suspects, except for Jiang Zhiqiang, there are no criminal offenders, and others are all the sinful recidivists. Jiang Zhiqiang kept being repentance after being arrested, he for his own friends and inadvertently caused irreparable consequences for the victims and their families and regret ... ... then, in the eyes of family and friends love their loved ones son, honest Jiang Zhiqiang why How do he step on the road to gun-killing? What is the revelation this case can bring to people?
网上恶意攻击要承担民事责任因对公婆不满,上海一位儿媳妇在多家网站发帖恶语攻击,招来诸多网友对公婆的攻击谩骂,媳妇最终被公婆起诉到法院。日前, Internet malicious att
利用低温等离子体对生食蟹糊灭菌效果及品质的影响进行了研究。实验研究了不同电压(30,45,60 k V)及不同处理时间(30,60,90s,120s)下低温等离子体对生食蟹糊的杀菌率及优化杀