Effect of Count Estimation in Finding Frequent Itemsets over Online Transactional Data Streams

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bossvv
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A data stream is a massive unbounded sequence of data elements continuously generated at a rapid rate. Due to this reason, most algorithms for data streams sacrifice the correctness of their results for fast processing time. The processing time is greatly influenced by the amount of information that should be maintained. This issue becomes more serious in finding frequent itemsets or frequency counting over an online transactional data stream since there can be a large number of itemsets to be monitored. We have proposed a method called the estDec method for finding frequent itemsets over an online data stream. In order to reduce the number of monitored itemsets in this method, monitoring the count of an itemset is delayed until its support is large enough to become a frequent itemset in the near future. For this purpose, the count of an itemset should be estimated. Consequently, how to estimate the count of an itemset is a critical issue in minimizing memory usage as well as processing time. In this paper, the effects of various count estimation methods for finding frequent itemsets are analyzed in terms of mining accuracy, memory usage and processing time.
在北方乡下,萝卜和白菜是秋冬季节最常见的两种蔬菜,而且由于具有易于储藏的特点,在物资匮乏的年代,这两种蔬菜一度霸占了整个冬季的餐桌。  小时候,每到初冬,看到奶奶拉着板车走向田里,我就开始发愁,因为我最讨厌吃萝卜,而奶奶肯定是去田里“出萝卜”了。关于这个“出”字,我还专门问过奶奶,奶奶笑着说: “萝卜是埋在土里的,所以我们要把它们请出来。”当时听了奶奶的话,年幼的我并没有什么感觉。现在回想起来,却
前几日,我整理一些旧物,在一个沉睡多年的箱子里,我发现了一个棕色玻璃小药瓶子,不到10厘米高,透过瓶子可以看到里面装满了一些粉剂的东西,以为是药,拧开瓶盖,才发现里面是一瓶白土。驀地,有关这瓶白土的记忆闪现在脑海……  我12岁那年的腊月二十八,父亲离开了人世。那年没有三十,腊月二十九就是除夕,在别人家贴对联的鞭炮声中,父亲被草草埋进了黄土。那是记忆中一个灰色的春节,悲伤笼罩着我们家,我们一家人在