The ancient Ryukyu Kingdom is located in the Ryukyu Islands scattered between the northeast of Taiwan Island and the southwestern island of Kyushu. It was sealed by the Ming and Qing dynasties and has been a dependent country of China since ancient times. In 1609, when the Japanese Satsuma martyrs commanded the invasion of Ryukyu, the Ryukyu Kingdom gradually became a puppet regime of the Satsuma, but its status as a Chinese vassal state remained unchanged. In 1872, Japan announced that the Ryukyu Islands were the territory of Japan, setting up the Ryukyu feudal clan, sealing the king of Ryukyu as a feudal ruler, and historically known as the first Ryukyu sanction. In 1879, the Ryukyu fan was abolished and incorporated into Kagoshima Prefecture. The last Ryukyu King, Shang Tai, and other royal members were taken to Tokyo and were historically referred to as the second Ryukyu disposal. In the same year, the Qing Dynasty made representations to Japan on the Ryukyu issue. As a result of the corruption and weakness of the Qing government, there was ultimately no result. In the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1895 and the defeat of China in 1895, they even had no say in the question of the Ryukyu Islands.