21世纪,中国陶瓷行业将面临前所未有的严峻挑战,谁能把握时代潮流,谁就能找到通往光明未来的锁匙。广东南海市家雄实业公司在董事长刘子荣的率领下,励精图治,探索出一条以科技进步为动力、以品牌拓展为依托、以服务跟踪为导向三位一体的综合发展之路,产品销售势如破竹,使“家雄”一跃成为陶瓷行业的排头兵。 “家雄”陶瓷实业公司位于南海市南庄镇,现有员工700多人,主要生产水晶砖和抛光砖,已开发花色品种80多个,光泽亮丽、色差少、尺码统一、耐酸、耐风化、吸水率低、防污性能好、不易变色并不含有毒元素,在市场上信誉好。
In the 21st century, the Chinese ceramics industry will face unprecedented challenges. Whoever can grasp the trend of the times will find the key to a bright future. Under the leadership of chairman Liu Zirong, Guangdong Nanhai Jiaxiong Industrial Co., Ltd. has made great efforts to explore a comprehensive development path based on scientific and technological advancement, relying on brand development, and service tracking as a guide. Jia Xiong" has become the vanguard of the ceramics industry. “Jiaxiong” Ceramic Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Nanzhuang Town, Nanhai City, and currently employs more than 700 people. It mainly produces crystal bricks and polished tiles. It has developed more than 80 varieties of flowers, with bright luster, less color difference, uniform size, acid resistance and weather resistance. Low water absorption, good anti-fouling performance, no discoloration, no toxic elements, and good reputation in the market.