免疫球蛋白(以下简称 Ig)是从健康人血中提制的具有免疫活性的球蛋白制品,用作肌注的 Ig 在防治传染病方面,已积累了丰富的经验。仅用静脉滴注 Ig 注治疗感染性疾病却报道较少。为了进一步证实“利凡诺法”生产的静注 Ig 的疗效和探索临床应用的经验,我科于1988年5月~1991年4月采用大剂量静脉注射 Ig 治疗难治性感染性疾病116例410人次,现报告如下。
Immunoglobulin (hereinafter referred to as Ig) is prepared from the healthy human blood immunoglobulin products with immunoglobulin, used as intramuscular Ig in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, has accumulated rich experience. Only intravenous infusion of Ig injection of infectious diseases has been reported less. In order to further confirm the efficacy and clinical experience of intravenous Ig produced by the “Rivanol method”, our department treated 116 cases of refractory infectious diseases with high-dose intravenous injection of Ig from May 1988 to April 1991 410 people, are as follows.