阿列克赛·尼古拉耶维奇·托尔斯泰(1883——1945)是前苏联最卓越的无产阶级作家之一。 阿·托尔斯泰的文学创作是从象征派的文学阵地上起步的。1907年初,俄国象征派文艺周刊《光芒》的创刊号上,发表了署名“阿列克赛·尼·托尔斯泰伯爵”的一首小诗《咏乳蘑》。时隔不久,他的《抒情诗集》也在它们的帮助下出版问世。从此,他便涉足于梅列日科夫斯基——吉比乌斯的文艺沙龙。他厕身于象征派的文学
Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1883-1945) was one of the most prominent proletarian writers in the former Soviet Union. A Tolstoy’s literary creation started from the literary position of the symbolism. In early 1907, Russia published the first issue of the “Light”, a literary weekly, and published a poem entitled “Chamomile” by the name of “Count Alexei Nol Tolstoy.” Shortly after, his “Lyric Collection” was also published with the help of them. Since then he has been involved in the literary salons of Merezhkovsky Gyibius. He is in the symbolic literature