交通工程 6月28日,国家“九五”重点建设工程武昌——广州铁路电气化工程全面动工,它标志着我国最长的南北铁路干线(京广线)将全线实现电气化。 本月10日,福建省海沧铁路正式破土动工。海沧铁路位于厦门、漳州两市间,全长19.3公里,全线将设3个站,它与鹰厦线663公里处接轨。海沧铁路与厦门海沧港口相互配合,可构成一个海运、铁路交通运输网络,对促进海峡两岸“三通”和国防建设、增强厦门特区与周边及内陆省份的经济联系具重要意义、该铁路是厦门市政府与上海铁路局共同投资的建设项目,工程总投资2亿元,将于1999年10月上旬竣工。 北京八达岭高速公路的潭峪沟隧道本月上旬胜利贯通。潭峪沟隧道穿越八达岭长城,由两座平行的主洞和辅洞组成。主洞全长3456米,净宽13.1米,居亚洲宽大隧道之最,位居世界3000米以上大跨度隧道第五。
Traffic Engineering On June 28, the national “Ninth Five-Year Plan” key construction project started the comprehensive construction of Wuchang-Guangzhou Railway Electrification Project, marking the electrification of the entire line of the longest North-South Railway Line in China. On the 10th of this month, Haicang Railway officially broke ground in Fujian Province. Haicang railway is located in Xiamen, Zhangzhou between the two cities, a total length of 19.3 kilometers, will be located across the board three stations, it is with the Eagle Line 663 km at the junction. The cooperation between Haicang Railway and Xiamen Haicang Port can form a maritime and rail transport network. It is of great significance to promoting the “three links” and national defense construction across the Taiwan Strait and enhancing the economic ties between the Xiamen Special Economic Zone and the surrounding and inland provinces. The railway is a construction project co-invested by Xiamen Municipal Government and Shanghai Railway Bureau. The total investment of the project is 200 million yuan and will be completed in early October 1999. Beijing Badaling Expressway Tan Yugou Tunnel victory early this month through. Tangyu ditch tunnel through the Badaling Great Wall, consists of two parallel main hole and auxiliary hole. The main hole is 3456 meters in length and 13.1 meters in net width, making it the fifth largest tunnel in Asia with the largest tunnel in Asia.