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对定植在江苏省林业科学研究院苗圃 (南京 )内的美国栎属 3个树种 ,19个种源、家系 (包括柳叶栎 9个种源、家系 ,北方红栎 6个家系 ,红栎 4个种源 )的 2年生幼树进行了年高生长节律和物候期 (包括展叶期、叶变色期和落叶期 )的定期观测 (分别每 3~ 15d观测 1次 )。结果表明 :(1) 3个树种在南京年高生长节律差异显著。柳叶栎在生长期内抽梢次数较多 ,在 5次以上 ,基本呈连续生长趋势。生长节律呈快 (5月 )—慢 (6月 )—最快 (7,8月 )—慢 (9月 )。种内种源、家系间生长节律差异较小 ,但年净生长量差异大。北方红栎和红栎生长不连续 ,呈间隙周期性生长 ,有明显生长和停止期。一般年抽梢 2次 ,少数抽梢 3,4次或 1次。生长节律呈生长—停止—生长—停止。种内种源、家系间生长节律差异大 ,其中红栎 9813号种源全年抽梢仅 1次 ,但红栎 9819号和 982 1号全年抽梢 3次。 (2 )春季萌叶期以柳叶栎较早 ,北方红栎最迟 ;秋季叶变色以红栎较早 ,红叶期长 ,柳叶栎最迟 ;落叶期以北方红栎最迟 ;秋季叶变色以红栎较早 ,红叶期长 ,柳叶栎最迟 ;落叶期以北方红栎较早 ,红栎最迟。物候期在种内不同种源、家系间亦有较大差异。 Among the three species of Quercus, 19 species and families (including 9 provenances of Quercus glaucae, 6 families of Quercus mongolica, 3 families of Quercus mongolica, The provenances and phenophases of the 2-year-old saplings were observed regularly (every 3 ~ 15 days), including the leaf-setting period, the leaf discoloration period and the deciduous period. The results showed that: (1) There were significant differences in annual rhythm between the three tree species in Nanjing. Quercus glaber more than the number of shoots in the growing season, more than 5 times, the basic continuous growth trend. Growth Rhythm is fast (May) - Slow (June) - Fastest (July, August) - Slow (September). There was little difference in growth rhythm between species, but significant difference in annual net growth. Northern red oak and red oak growth is not continuous, intermittent gap growth, there are obvious growth and cessation. In general, 2 times a year, a small number of tips 3-4 times or 1 time. Growth rhythm growth - stop - growth - stop. Within the species, rhythms of growth varied greatly among families. Among them, the provenances of red oak 9813 were only sprouted once in the year, but red oak 9819 and 982 1 were sprouted three times in a year. (2) Early stage of early spring willow willow oak, northern red oak will be the late; autumn leaves will change color to early red oak, long red leaves and willow oak at the latest; Changed color to early red oak, long red leaves, willow Quercus the late; deciduous period to early red oak in the north, red oak the latest. Phenology in the species of different provenances, there are great differences between families.
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