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以棕红壤为对象,采用等温平衡吸附法,研究了不同有机酸种类和浓度对土壤磷吸附的影响。结果表明:不同种类的有机酸、其功能基(-COOH,-OH)数目多的对降低土壤吸磷量的影响大,供试五种有机酸的影响大小顺序为:柠檬酸>草酸>酒石酸>苯甲酸>乙酸;在同一pH下,随加入有机酸浓度的升高,土壤吸磷量减少;有机酸与磷的不同加入方式对磷吸附量的影响也不同,先吸附磷后再加入有机酸的吸磷量最大,吸附有机酸后离心弃去有机酸液再加入磷的吸磷量次之,吸附有机酸后再加入磷的吸磷量最小。 Taking the red and brown soil as the object, the isothermal equilibrium adsorption method was used to study the effects of different organic acids and their concentrations on the phosphorus adsorption. The results showed that the effect of five organic acids with different functional groups (-COOH, -OH) on soil P uptake was significant. The order of the five organic acids was citric acid> oxalic acid> tartaric acid > Benzoic acid> acetic acid. Under the same pH, phosphorus uptake decreased with the increase of organic acid concentration. Different addition of organic acids and phosphorus had different effects on phosphorus uptake. After the first adsorption of phosphorus, organic phosphorus The amount of phosphorus uptake by acid was the largest. After organic acid was adsorbed, the organic acid was discarded by centrifugation and the phosphorus uptake was followed by the amount of phosphorus uptake.
在演讲时以妙趣开场,以幽默睿智的口才营造一种轻松的气氛,可以奠定整场演讲的基调,同时调动听众的情绪,把听众带进自己创设的演讲情境中,从而取得良好的演讲“笑果”。看看几位名人是如何在演讲中妙趣开场并赢得满堂喝彩的吧!  李敖:趣言戏谑,诙谐开场  李敖文笔不凡,口才也同样了得,他思维敏捷,词锋犀利,却又不乏幽默慧黠,诙谐之处每每让人捧腹。2005年9月21日,李敖到北大演讲,他的开场白是这样的:“你
如同各国的研究人员一样,西德 AEG无线电公司的研究人员也已转向光学记录技术,以求解决计算速度与低存贮容量之间的矛盾日益增长的问题。该公司的乌尔姆实验室有希望研究出