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提出了一个由四个半导体激光器通过相互耦合构成的混沌网状网络系统,研究了这种拓扑结构下各激光器的动力学行为、任意两个激光器之间的混沌同步特性以及参数失配对同步性能的影响,并对该系统的保密通信性能进行了分析。理论仿真结果表明,网状网络系统中各激光器在合适的相互耦合条件下均可呈现混沌输出,四个激光器输出的混沌信号可达到整体同步(即所有混沌信号之间都同步)或部分同步。基于该网络的混沌同步,可实现多用户之间信息的双向保密传输。 A chaotic mesh network system consisting of four semiconductor lasers coupled by mutual coupling is proposed. The dynamics of each laser under such topology, the chaos synchronization between any two lasers, and the parameter mismatch to the synchronization performance Influence, and analyzed the system’s confidential communication performance. The theoretical simulation results show that all the lasers in the mesh network system can exhibit chaotic output under the proper conditions of mutual coupling. The chaotic signals output by the four lasers can reach the overall synchronization (that is, all the chaotic signals are synchronized) or partially synchronized. Based on the chaotic synchronization of the network, bidirectional secure transmission of information between multiple users can be realized.
做班主任很多年了,近几年竟然越来越不会做班主任了。这种不会不是源于缺乏经验、缺乏热爱、缺乏方法,而是源于许多困惑。  加分之忧  新生开学已经快一个学期了,班级考核一直居于中后列。我不是很着急,因为学生的成长需要过程,任何急功近利的以考核标准为指挥棒的做法,都不是我愿意的。  班长,一个非常活跃的男孩着急了,积极地告诉我:“老师,你知道我们为什么考核一直居后吗?因为我们班级只是做到了不扣分,只遵守