在美国的许多百货商店经常可以看到:一些美国著名的品牌产品,如迪斯尼(Disney)玩具、耐克(Nike)或锐步(Reebok)运动鞋,被冠以“MADE IN CHINA”的标识。相反,冠以“美国制造”的中国品牌产品,以前却根本找不到。但现在,你可以在诸如沃尔玛(WalMart)这样的大型零售超市中买到中国海尔制造的冰箱、冰柜、洗碗机等产品。而且,这些来自这家中国家电企业制造的产品的标识上清楚地印着一行字:“MADE IN USA”。
Many department stores in the United States can often see: Some famous American brand products, such as Disney toys, Nike or Reebok sports shoes, are labeled as “MADE IN CHINA”. On the contrary, the Chinese brand products that were “made in the United States” could not be found before. But now, you can buy refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers and other products made by Haier in a large retail supermarket such as Wal-Mart. Moreover, the logos of the products manufactured by this Chinese home appliance company are clearly printed with the words “MADE IN USA”.