Infant, male, 38 days. 1 month due to rash, repeated convulsions, cyanosis 4 to 5 hours, admitted on August 11, 1981. Children with third-term full-term fetus. 3 days after birth, whole body skin scattered scattered red papules, blisters, purulent. The first 4 days admitted to our hospital for treatment, recurrent rash after discharge, often cough, 4 to 5 hours before the second admission, sudden convulsions, cyanosis. Pregnancy, physical health, no medication history, the first 2-boy, 4 months after birth, repeated convulsive treatment and died. Physical examination: T36.5 ℃, nose flap, lips cyanosis. The right cheek, the back of the skin can be seen a few superficial ulcers. Whole body superficial lymph nodes not touched. Head symmetrical, anterior fontanel 2 × 2 cm, flat. Good facial features. Trachea slightly left, right chest more bulging. Right lung breath sounds significantly weakened, did not smell and rales. Heart rate 160 beats / min, law Qi, no smell and noise. Abdomen soft, liver ribs 3 cm, 3 cm under the xiphoid, 1 cm under the spleen ribs. Spine without deformity, right upper arm slightly swollen, limited right upper limb movement. Nervous system found no abnormalities. Laboratory tests: 8 grams of hemoglobin, white blood cells 4000, 81% of neutrophils, lymphocytes 19%. 9.4 mg of calcium, 3.4 mg of inorganic phosphorus. Serum protein electrophoresis A66.09%, α_14.02%, α_210.92%, β8.62%, γ10.35%. Alkaline phosphatase 26 units. Kang’s reaction negative. Bone marrow examination: medullary left. X-ray: rib, clavicle and humerus are irregular spot-like transparent area, the right humeral pathological fracture. Lumbar vertebrae, pelvis and femur are spotted irregular osteolytic destruction, femoral mild periosteal reaction. Skull lateral no abnormalities. Right pneumothorax, right lung compression 10%; two lungs see flaky irregular irregular shadow. After admission through the right chest nylon tube occlusion drainage, antibiotics and other symptomatic treatment ineffective, died on the sixth day of hospitalization. Postmortem pathology diagnosis: Acute type of histiocytosis (Leuchet’s disease). Lesions invading the skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, chest and abdominal lymph nodes, rib iliac and humerus. Leh-Schue disease more common in infants under 6 years of age more than 6 months, the domestic Pan Suying (1957) first reported 3 cases, a few cases later reported. This case occurred in neonates with more typical clinical manifestations and X-ray images, and confirmed by pathology, is a rare case. The disease is currently no effective therapy, the prognosis is poor.