科学定位谋发展 围绕绿色抓统筹——关于绿色巴东的调查与思考

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2011年,巴东县第十四次党代会确定“生态优先、文化引领、产业兴县、开放包容”发展战略,确立“绿色巴东、文化巴东、富裕巴东、和谐巴东”发展定位,把“绿色发展”摆在了更加突出位置。五年转瞬即过,形势快速变化,绿色巴东将如何重新科学定位,如何转型跨越发展,是巴东县面临的重大课题。一、成效与不足近五年来,全县上下在深入推进产业结构调整、大力实施节能减排、强化环境保护及生态建设等工作上,取得较好成效,同时也存在一些不足。 In 2011, the 14th Party Congress of Badong County identified the development strategy of “ecological priority, cultural lead, industrial Xing County, open tolerance” and established “Green Patong, Culture Patong, Wealthy Patong, Harmony Pakistan East ”development orientation, “ green development ”in a more prominent position. In five years, the situation rapidly changed, the situation changed rapidly, how to re-orientate Green Patong and how to transform and leap forward to develop across. This was a major issue for Badong County. First, the effectiveness and lack of In the past five years, the whole county from top to bottom in promoting industrial restructuring, vigorously implement energy-saving emission reduction, environmental protection and strengthening of ecological construction work, achieved good results, but also there are some shortcomings.