中国经济改革接近其第二个10年之末。此时作一次解释性的综述是一件诱人的工作。 1.改革成果 70年代后期发动改革以来,中国的经济活动和物质福利都经历了基本上高速而不间断的增长。周期性的宏观经济波动用国际标准衡量比较和缓。没有产生易于识别的收入和福利的损失者集团。增长伴随着质的变化:到处有利润动机;大型国有企业也须追随市场信号;
China’s economic reform is approaching the end of its second decade. It is tempting to make an explanatory review at this time. 1. Results of the Reform Since the reforms launched in the late 1970s, China’s economic activities and material well-being have experienced basically rapid and uninterrupted growth. Cyclical macroeconomic fluctuations are moderated by international standards. There are no groups of losers that generate easily identifiable income and benefits. Growth is accompanied by qualitative changes: there are profit motives everywhere; large state-owned enterprises also have to follow market signals;