In fact, increasing biogas production can be achieved either by increasing its total gas production or by increasing the methane content of the gas. The content of methane depends mainly on the characteristics of the materials and microbial communities. Cereal straws and chaff are high in fiber and low in nitrogen, so fecal matter in straw fed ruminants usually accounts for only about 50% of the methane produced. However, if the fermenting feedstock has a reasonable C: N ratio (C: N of about 25), the methane content can be as high as 70%. In large-scale biogas production, digesters have been used to heat biogas production using their own gas. However, propane can be used as a supplement to biogas heating in some cases. If economic and practical considerations, this approach does not apply to small (3-10 m ~ 3) digesters; and should look for less investment, easy maintenance, but also labor-saving alternative.