3月4日,Sun公司董事长兼首席执行官司考特·麦克尼利(Scott McNealy)来到北京,进行他时隔5年后的再次访华。时间的巧合总是偏爱Sun。麦克尼利先生正是在美国总统布什访华10天之后踏上中华大地的。中国经济的腾飞、北京申奥的成功,以及中国加入WTO后带来的发展机遇与挑战,磁石一般地吸引着世界政治、经济和文化等各方领袖和精英的到来。此次,麦克尼利先生选择在Sun公司成立20周年之际访问中国,意义颇为重大。司考特在短短的一天内会见了Sun公司中国客户领导人,参加了中央电视台与Sun公司合作组织的“对话”节目,并来到中国教育部,会见了教育部负责人。他表示,诞生在校园内的Sun,最关心和最爱护的对象莫过于校园了。下午,司考特举行记者招待会,就大家关心的问题发表了讲话。司考特是一位斗士,一位勇士,一位反垄断的英雄,一位卓越的企业管理人员。记者从他身上看到许多有趣的东西。以下是司考特的一份演讲稿,希望各位在读后能率先对未来的数字世界有一感性认识。
On March 4th, Scott McNealy, Chairman and CEO of Sun Corporation, came to Beijing to conduct another visit to China five years later. The coincidence of time always favors Sun. It was precisely after Mr. Bush’s visit to China that Mr. McNeal arrived in China. With the rapid development of the Chinese economy, the success of Beijing’s bid for the Olympics, and the development opportunities and challenges brought by China’s accession to the WTO, the magnets generally attract the leaders of the world’s political, economic, and cultural circles and elites. This time, Mr. McNealy chose to visit China on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Sun’s establishment. This is significant. In a short day, Scottrade met with Sun’s China customer leaders, participated in a “dialogue” program organized by CCTV and Sun, and came to China’s Ministry of Education to meet with the head of the Ministry of Education. He said that Sun, who was born on campus, was the object of concern and love for the most. In the afternoon, Scottrade held a press conference and delivered a speech on issues of concern to everyone. Scott is a fighter, a warrior, an anti-monopoly hero, and an outstanding corporate manager. The reporter saw many interesting things from him. The following is a copy of Scottrade’s speech. I hope that after reading, you will be able to take the lead in understanding the future digital world.