2008年3-5月记录了印度-缅甸的Bajali地区丘陵林地内印度簕竹(Bambusa arundinacea)、马甲竹(Bambusa tulda)、梨果竹(Melocanna baccifera)群聚开花情况。采用常规野外取样法绘制了印度北部阿萨姆帮竹类品种的位置。还调查了17块取样地的258位居民对竹子开花的看法。本研究出现了一个花丛并发展成为含有许多小花的大的圆锥花序。这三个竹子品种中,有浆果和颖果两个种子类型。在梨果竹林中发现几粒胎生萌发的种子,这种现象在竹类植物中并不常见。种子活力试验结果表明,75%的颖果种子具有种子活力,这些种子具有萌发潜力,可用于竹子大量再生。多数当地居民认为竹子开花会引起啮齿动物大爆发,并认为竹子开花会带来饥荒。因此,当地居民大量毁坏竹丛,这严重地影响了农村经济。
March-May 2008 recorded the clustering of Bambusa arundinacea, Bambusa tulda, and Melocanna baccifera in the hilly woodlands of the Bajali region of India-Myanmar. A conventional field sampling method was used to map the location of Ass bamboo species in Assam in northern India. 258 residents surveyed at 17 sampling sites also looked at bamboo flowering. The study developed a flower cluster and developed into a large panicle with many small flowers. Among the three bamboo varieties, there are two seed types, berry and caryopsis. In the pear fruit found in bamboo forest a few germinating seeds, this phenomenon is not common in bamboo plants. Seed vigor test results show that 75% of the caryopal seeds with seed vigor, these seeds have germination potential, can be used for bamboo regeneration. Most local people think that the flowering of bamboo will cause a rodent explosion and think that the flowering of bamboo will bring famine. As a result, local residents destroyed large quantities of bamboo trees, which seriously affected the rural economy.