AutoCADPIant 3D和法如大空间三维激光扫描系统(Laser Scanner Photon)是工厂建模硬件和软件的不二之选。英国考文垂市,2010年7月7日Autodesk公司--全球二维和三维设计、工程和娱乐软件领导者,和法如公司-世界领先的便携式测量和成像解决方案提供商.宣布强强联合,将点云数据直接集成至AutoCAD 2011软件。为此.法如和Autodesk签订了一个协议。
AutoCADPIant 3D and Laser Scanner Photon are the perfect choice for factory-modeling hardware and software. Coventry, United Kingdom, July 7, 2010 Autodesk, Inc., a global leader in 2D and 3D design, engineering and entertainment software, and Furgos, is the world’s leading provider of portable measurement and imaging solutions. Federate, integrating point cloud data directly into AutoCAD 2011 software. To this end, France and Autodesk signed an agreement.