泥鳅因其营养价值、药用价值、美容价值受到人们的青睐,价格日益高涨,养殖规模从南到北也随之扩大,市场前景十分看好。但也应该看到其养殖技术的难度,特别是初次养殖户,更应该小心。笔者根据自己多年养鳅的经验,认为想养好成鳅,须把好八关,现表述如下: 1.把好苗种质量关。苗种质量是养殖成败的关键。用来养殖的泥鳅苗种应该是:体长大于3cm,色泽鲜艳一致,无杂色、白苗,体表洁净,无脏物,个体大小均匀,运动活泼有力。
Loach because of its nutritional value, medicinal value, beauty value by people of all ages, the price is rising, the scale of farming also will be expanded from south to north, the market prospects are very good. However, we should also see the difficulty of breeding technology, especially for first-time farmers, we should be more careful. According to my own years of experience in raising loach, that want to keep good loach, to be good eight, are as follows: 1. Good seed quality. Seed quality is the key to breeding success. Used to breed loach seed should be: body length greater than 3cm, bright color consistent, no noise, white seedlings, surface clean, no dirt, the individual size is uniform, lively and powerful movement.