Opinion 1
“low” and “food”—two words that do not belong together as far as I’m concerned. I want my food fast, I want my food now!
Tips: “慢”、“食”两字摆在一起,的确会让很多人摸不着头脑。尤其对于热爱快餐食品的人来说,慢与食,更是八辈子都扯不上的事儿。“as far as I’m concerned”表示“就我个人来说,对我而言”的意思。
Opinion 2
Balancing three kids, two jobs and a husband doesn’t give me any time for these fancy, new age lifestyles. I’d love to throw it all in and buy a cottage in Europe, but it’s never going to happen.
Tips: “慢生活”这种神奇(fancy)又新颖(new age)的生活方式可不是谁都有条件享受的。这不,三个孩子、两份工作再加上一个老公,说话者平时已经忙得团团转,又何来时间去慢悠悠地过日子呢?她说她也想放弃一切(throw it all in),跑到欧洲买栋小别墅住住,但梦永远只能是梦呀!
Opinion 3
My sister is on this spiritual high with yoga and tai chi. She loves it! Each to their own, I say.
Tips: 我们这位说话者的妹妹可谓是“慢生活”达人了。她热爱瑜珈和太极,简直像着了迷一样。“on spiritual high with”表示从与精神层面有关的活动(如瑜珈、太极等)中得到极大的满足,另外,“sth. + high”的搭配表示对什么东西处于狂热之中,如“He’s on a video game high.(他热爱打游戏。)”不过说话者本人的态度就随意得多,他认为每个人都有自己的选择(Each to their own.)。
Opinion 4
I made the switch to organic food a few years ago and have never looked back.
Tips: 这位说话者自从几年前改吃有机食物之后坚持至今,一直没有回过头。“switch”是开关的意思,“make the switch”即表示“作出改变,作出决定”之意,通常用于表示作出足以改变人生轨迹的重要改变或决定。
Opinion 5
You have to take time and money into consideration. Most people don’t have the luxury of a major life change, as it can be costly.
Tips: “慢生活”能不能实施,关键看时间和金钱。许多人都因为这种生活方式太过昂贵(costly)而无法承担。“a major life change”指的就是一种生活方式的巨大变化,比如从“快生活”转变为“慢
Opinion 6
I love my life in the fast lane. I work hard and play hard. You can sleep when you’re dead.
Tips: “the fast lane”指的是公路上的快车道,开车的朋友都知道,在快车道上驾车就必须一刻不停地往前赶,因此,“life in the fast lane”就是意指竞争激烈、忙碌而快节奏的生活。但我们的说话者显然乐在其中,他工作卖力、玩也疯狂,至于休息嘛,他直说死了之后便有大把时间休息啦。
Opinion 7
In this day and age, a lifestyle that revolves around staying healthy is essential. We are becoming lazier by the minute and technology isn’t doing us any favours.
Tips: 如今这个时代,养生成了热门话题,中外都一样。因此,寻找一条适合的养生之路就显得尤为重要。由于科技的进步,可以代替人类劳动的东西越来越多,人也变得越来越懒,这对身体健康可不是好事。从这个角度我们或许也可以说,科技没给我们帮上什么忙。“do sb. a favor”表示给某人以恩惠,帮某人的忙。
Opinion 1
“low” and “food”—two words that do not belong together as far as I’m concerned. I want my food fast, I want my food now!
Tips: “慢”、“食”两字摆在一起,的确会让很多人摸不着头脑。尤其对于热爱快餐食品的人来说,慢与食,更是八辈子都扯不上的事儿。“as far as I’m concerned”表示“就我个人来说,对我而言”的意思。
Opinion 2
Balancing three kids, two jobs and a husband doesn’t give me any time for these fancy, new age lifestyles. I’d love to throw it all in and buy a cottage in Europe, but it’s never going to happen.
Tips: “慢生活”这种神奇(fancy)又新颖(new age)的生活方式可不是谁都有条件享受的。这不,三个孩子、两份工作再加上一个老公,说话者平时已经忙得团团转,又何来时间去慢悠悠地过日子呢?她说她也想放弃一切(throw it all in),跑到欧洲买栋小别墅住住,但梦永远只能是梦呀!
Opinion 3
My sister is on this spiritual high with yoga and tai chi. She loves it! Each to their own, I say.
Tips: 我们这位说话者的妹妹可谓是“慢生活”达人了。她热爱瑜珈和太极,简直像着了迷一样。“on spiritual high with”表示从与精神层面有关的活动(如瑜珈、太极等)中得到极大的满足,另外,“sth. + high”的搭配表示对什么东西处于狂热之中,如“He’s on a video game high.(他热爱打游戏。)”不过说话者本人的态度就随意得多,他认为每个人都有自己的选择(Each to their own.)。
Opinion 4
I made the switch to organic food a few years ago and have never looked back.
Tips: 这位说话者自从几年前改吃有机食物之后坚持至今,一直没有回过头。“switch”是开关的意思,“make the switch”即表示“作出改变,作出决定”之意,通常用于表示作出足以改变人生轨迹的重要改变或决定。
Opinion 5
You have to take time and money into consideration. Most people don’t have the luxury of a major life change, as it can be costly.
Tips: “慢生活”能不能实施,关键看时间和金钱。许多人都因为这种生活方式太过昂贵(costly)而无法承担。“a major life change”指的就是一种生活方式的巨大变化,比如从“快生活”转变为“慢
Opinion 6
I love my life in the fast lane. I work hard and play hard. You can sleep when you’re dead.
Tips: “the fast lane”指的是公路上的快车道,开车的朋友都知道,在快车道上驾车就必须一刻不停地往前赶,因此,“life in the fast lane”就是意指竞争激烈、忙碌而快节奏的生活。但我们的说话者显然乐在其中,他工作卖力、玩也疯狂,至于休息嘛,他直说死了之后便有大把时间休息啦。
Opinion 7
In this day and age, a lifestyle that revolves around staying healthy is essential. We are becoming lazier by the minute and technology isn’t doing us any favours.
Tips: 如今这个时代,养生成了热门话题,中外都一样。因此,寻找一条适合的养生之路就显得尤为重要。由于科技的进步,可以代替人类劳动的东西越来越多,人也变得越来越懒,这对身体健康可不是好事。从这个角度我们或许也可以说,科技没给我们帮上什么忙。“do sb. a favor”表示给某人以恩惠,帮某人的忙。