
来源 :临床血液学杂志(输血与检验) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haq1227
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输血治疗是临床抢救生命的一种特殊手段,随着社会的不断进步,人们的法律意识普遍增强,包括因输血引起的医疗纠纷也越来越多。由此,2012年8月1日起正式施行的《医疗机构临床用血管理办法》,对医疗机构在实施临床输血治疗过程中真正做到科学用血,合理用血及对临床用血管理更为严格。而“输血治疗”的病历,则是实施临床输血的原始记录,可为输血医疗事故或纠纷提供是非认定,是输血过程的法律依据。因此,必须强化医护 Blood transfusion therapy is a special means of saving lives in clinical practice. With the continuous progress of the society, people’s awareness of law is generally enhanced, including more and more medical disputes caused by blood transfusion. As a result, August 1, 2012 came into effect, “the clinical management of blood in medical institutions approach” for medical institutions in the implementation of clinical transfusion therapy truly scientific use of blood, rational use of blood and clinical blood management more To be strict. The “blood transfusion” medical records, it is the implementation of the original record of clinical transfusion, transfusion of medical malpractice or disputes provide non-identified, is the legal basis for the transfusion process. Therefore, we must strengthen health care
目的:了解老年患者肺部感染凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(CNS)的分布和耐药情况,指导临床合理选择抗生素.方法:对2010-01— 2011-12临床分离菌,采用合肥恒星HX-21型微生物分析仪进行细
目的:开展红细胞输血无效原因分析,制定预防输血无效现象发生的对策,科学有效输血.方法:通过调查洛阳地区3 000份输血病例,总结输血无效现象在各科室分布情况,输血无效与性别