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中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)《第30次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示:截至2012年6月底,搜索引擎用户规模达到4.29亿;在网民中的渗透率为79.7%,是仅次于即时通信的第二大网络应用,是网民在互联网中获取所需信息的重要工具。[1]网民访问档案网站一般都是通过搜索引擎的引导而到达,档案网站是否实施搜索引擎优化,实施效果如何将会直接影响到档案网站的访问量。笔者以省级档案网站为调查对象,通过分析研究,以期对我国档案网站搜索引擎优化提供颇具意义的建议。一、基于搜索引擎优化的省级档案网站调查内容本次调查时间为2012年10月1日-5日,选取我国大陆地区31家省级档案局(馆)网站作为调研对象,其中有效访问29家(本文调查分析均以这29家省级档案网站的数据为基础)。调查采用直接访问省级档案网站的站点和通过站长工具 China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) “The 30th Statistical Report on the Internet Development in China” shows that as of the end of June 2012, the number of search engine users reached 429 million; the penetration rate among Internet users was 79.7%, second only to The second largest web application for instant messaging is an important tool for Internet users to access the information they need on the Internet. [1] Internet users to access the file site are generally reached through the guidance of search engines, whether the implementation of search engine optimization files, the implementation of the effect will have a direct impact on the number of visits to the file website. The author takes the provincial-level archives website as the investigation object, through the analysis and research, with a view to provide meaningful suggestions for the search engine optimization of our archives website. First, based on search engine optimization of the provincial archives site survey The survey was October 1, 2012 -5 days, select the mainland of China 31 provincial-level archives (museum) site as the research object, of which an effective visit 29 Home (this investigation and analysis are based on the data of 29 provincial archives site). The survey used sites that accessed the provincial archives website directly and through the webmaster tools
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