我与档案事业是有缘份的,我的人生因她而美丽! 记得高考时,我根据平时学习成绩并不是很优秀的情况,对“大学”的这一栏志愿不甚关切,随便填了几个学校、几个专业就完了、忘了。果不其然,高考成绩下来后,距一般本科最低录取分数线尚差6分。可录取通知书却给了我一个惊喜:(后来成为我的)母校的历史系档案专业破格录取了我。当时我感到自己真的很幸运,真的很感激给了我上大学机会的这个“档案”专业,虽然我是在拿到录取通知书后才真正
I have a foothold with the file business, my life is beautiful because of her! I remember the entrance exam, I usually not very good academic performance, the “University” in this column is not very concerned about the voluntary, just fill in A few schools, a few professional finished, forgot. Sure enough, after the college entrance examination scores down, from the general undergraduate minimum admission score is still 6 points worse. Admissibility notice gave me a surprise: (later became my) Department of History of the alma mater professional records admitted to me. At that time, I felt really lucky and I really appreciated the “file” specialty that gave me the chance to go to college. Although I was really getting the admission notice