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  Cutting palm is one of the main ways of palm using, which has great effectiveness in actual fighting, and is often used to defeat opponents by surprise. It was derived from Baguazhang, but it has more profound content and effective fighting ways from Dachengquan. In the practice of shen, yi, xing, qi, li, it pays more attention to the following rules: shen comes from yi; li acts with yi; palm acts with li. More practice can improve one‘s actual fighting capacity. Cutting palm is famous for its simpleness, effectiveness and swiftness.
   The writer ever studied Plum Blossom Zhuang, Baguazhang, and some other martial arts. He is one of the students of Mater Wang Jianmin‘s. Although Marster Wang is one of the famous martial arts practitioners, he is broad-minded and is very strict with his students. He often told his students that the cutting palm should not be used rashly, which shows the power of cutting palm.
   The cutting palm practicing ways include the ways of standing Zhuang, the ways of shen and yi, the ways of body moving, the ways of feet moving and the ways of various fighting.
  The ways of standing Zhuang is the basis of Dachangquan. Seniors often said:" Moving is better than drilling; standing is better than moving. " All ways have the same essence. The ways of standing Zhuang can develop the practitioner‘s vigorous power and fearless mettle, with enough long time of practice, the practitioner can have inside actions and inside qi, which will produce very great inside power. When meet the opponent, the inside power can be used to defeat him.
  The ways of using shen and yi are also called "the ways of attacking through a crack between door and its frame", which means that the ways can be used to attack a passerby suddenly in front door and fight him out. In the old times, practitioners often practice these ways at an open field or a graveyard at the midnight. Such conditions can make the practitioner feel nervous, become more active, any slight move can cause his instinctive actions. Then, the practitioner will act with his mind and use his all power to fight, which is just like one person will shiver in the very cold weather.
  The ways of feet moving mainly consists of opening-closing feet, Bagua feet moving and Hengdang feet. Opening-closing feet is frequently used in Cutting Palm using, and is a secret feet moving way, which is often used to block opponents‘ attack and then, move to the back of the opponents. This kind of foot moving, in actual fighting, will have no fix form and perfect position and is constant moving. So the opponent will be in the positive position and have to follow our actions, which is very useful to the practitioner.
  Body moving ways are also called "Turtle and Snake Teasing Ways". That is, the practitioner‘s arms are like snakes; his body moving is like a urtle swimming. Hands following the move of body, and body following the hands, hands making the left and right circles, body floating up and down to make many postures, such as avoiding, turning, twisting and turning over, and so on, in order to find the best posture to attack.
  Changing-attacking palm is one way of the cutting palm using ways, which, according to opponent‘s changing to change, using the theories of centrifugal and centripetal force to make forward cutting, backward cutting, upward cutting and downward cutting. It can be used one by one continually or a single one at a time.
  The following are the ways of cutting palm using in actual fighting. They are:
  1. Blocking and Cutting forward The opponent attacks your head with the left hand. You can move the left foot up to the right front, move the right foot forward to follow the left one, use the left hand to block his left hand, and use the right palm to cut his neck or temple [Figure 1].Key points: This cutting palm mainly uses the centripetal force to cut the opponent‘s neck or temple, where are the weak parts of one‘s body. This attack can make the opponent shock or die.
  2. Cutting forward and backwardThe opponent attacks your head with the left hand. You can block his attack with the left hand, and use the right palm to cut his temple. If he lowers his head to avoid, you can turn over the right palm to cut his neck when he raises his head [Figure 2].
  Key points: This action can follow the above one. It‘s the main way of using cutting palm. When cutting backward, the practitioner should make the best use of the force of body turning and leg stretching.
  3. Catching Hand and Cutting up The opponent attacks your head with the left fist. You can catch his left hand with the left hand, and spear your right arm through his armpit or upper arm to cut his neck. Try to let him away [Figure 3].Key points: The spearing and cutting must use the force from the waist. Take any chance to cut his neck and let him away like a kite.
  4. Pressing Hand and Cutting The opponent attacks you with the left hand. You can move your left hand to make a circle toward inside to press his hand down, then, use the opening-closing feet to move forward, using the left foot to the front and move the right foot up to follow the right one. Then, turn to his back and cut his neck or back [Figures 4, 5].Key points: The key of these actions is that you must close to his body and let him have no chance to attack you.
  5. Attacking Ear and Cutting down The opponent attacks you with the right hand. You can use the left hand to press his right hand down, use the right palm to attack his ear. If he blocks your hand with left hand, you should quickly pull the left hand out from under the right arm, move the left foot horizontally, move the right foot up to the back of his right leg, move your body up to approach him and use the right palm to cut him on the left side of his rib region. Try to cut him down [Figures 6, 7].
   Key points: These actions must be accomplished at a stretch. Try to use body moving up to make him in the positive position. Your left hand, try to let his hand have no way to move. That is, "Hand meet his hand and let his hand on way to escape".
   6. Hooking Elbow and Cutting Neck The opponent attacks you with the left hand in the way of Bengquan. You can hook his elbow with your left hand, move the left and the right feet up, move body to the back of him, use the right palm to cut his neck [Figure 8].
   Key points: When you hook the opponent‘s elbow, you should close the chest and turn the waist, take the waist turning to cut him.
   7. Twining and Cutting The opponent attacks you with the left fist. You can twine and block his arm with your palms. Meanwhile, move your body up and step the right foot up, use the left hand to tuck in his chest or rib region, and use the right palm to cut his neck. Try to cut him away [Figures 9, 10].
  Key points: When twining his hand , try to pull him back and let his attack useless. If he withdraws, you can take the chance to tuck and cut him.
  8. Making Circle and Cut forward You make a circle to punch the opponent‘s head with the right hand. He
  will intercept your right arm with his left palm and try to let you in the positive position. You should this chance to make a circle with your right fist, swing the arm to the left side and then downward, to the right side, upward, try to cut his neck or head [ Figures 11, 12].
   Key points: this arm swinging can not only prevent his attack but also change the positive position to active position to attack him.
  9. Trimming Hand and Cutting backward When the opponent punches your chest with the left hand, you can use two hands to make shears to trim his right arm. Then, turn the right palm to cut his neck [Figures 13, 14].
  Key points: Trimming can make his arm fracture. If your trimming cannot be effective, the cutting can be a remedial measure.
  10. Intercepting Am and Cutting backward The opponent attacks your chest with the right hand. You can cut your palm to intercept his right hand. Then, turn your right palm up to cut his head or neck [Figures 15, 16].
  Key points: your cutting should follow your intercepting. The key point of these actions is the swift moving of feet. When attacking, the body must approach to the opponent‘s.
  11. Spear Palm and Cutting backward The opponent attacks you with the left hand. You can spear the right palm to intercept his arm, then, make the opening-closing feet moving to the back of him, cut his neck from the back with your left palm [Figures 17, 18].
  Key points: When making the opening-closing feet moving, turn your body 270?, use the spiral force and centrifugal force to cut his neck.
  12. Grab Fist and Cutting Neck The opponent attacks your right side of your rib regions with the right hand. You should move the right foot to the side way, use the left hand to grab his right fist, turn the right palm to cut his neck, or raise the knee to kick his arm [Figures 19,20].
  Key points: The left hand grabbing must be powerful and try to push his force to the side of your body. Raising knee to kick should be fierce. Your cutting and kicking can make him at a loss. Since the Cutting Palm is mainly used to attack the opponent‘s neck or rib regions, it is likely to hurt the opponent greatly. When practicing, the practitioners cannot be too careful, in case the dispensable injure occur.
1、抱拳拜礼(起势)  两腿伸直靠拢,两臂垂于身体两侧,全身放松,自然呼吸,随之挺胸拔背,两手同时向前划弧,右手握拳置于胸前,左手成掌在胸前按于右拳面(图1),目视前方。    2、按手击心  紧接上动,身体向左侧转体,左脚前跨步,左手至右按扣右肩,同时右手握拳屈肘下砸(图2),目视右臂。  技击含义:贴身制敌,敌以左手前抓我右肩时,我速以左手抠抓敌手背,乘敌分神,向左转体,同时右臂用力下砸其臂,
(一)饿马扳槽  1、对方向我胸部双掌推来,我左脚向后退半步,同时双掌向两侧搂开其手臂(图1)。  2、我接着用右脚脚尖着力踢其裆部(图2)。  3、接着我右脚前落成弓步,双掌猛推其胸部,使之向后倾倒(图3)。  要点:  1动:双搂手时要吸胸收腹,顺其力化解。  2动:踢裆腿法用弹踢或蹬脚均可,自由选用。  3动:右脚也可向前落于对方左脚后侧,起扣绊作用。    (二)搂手—扇掌—顺拦肘—迎面掌
合意腿法是合意拳长距离杀伤之武器,一切都在“合”与“意”二功之中,以天、地、敌、我、时生腿。它杀伤性强,隐蔽性大,出击长远,步法灵巧,发腿无形,刚阳快猛,变化莫测。  合意腿法要求“踢腿人不防,落地如钉”。它反对一味的连环发腿,因为“单腿手能顾,连腿手根丢”,故用腿反败于腿,再则合意腿法不是一门独立之技,它是纯阳刚快脆。而合意有“独阳不长”之说,即独阳不生的意思,所以腿法必须配合拳、肘、膝、指、摔
一、拳击力量训练的意义    拳击是对抗性、冲击性很强的运动,这一特点所需要的力量多是动力性的力量。对于进入中级训练水平的拳击运动员来说,虽然一般性力量素质是不可缺少的,但从专项特点和技术动作的要求来讲,要想在瞬间击中对手,仅仅具有一般的力量是不能实现的,必须具备和提高专项力量素质,在双方不停的对抗中保持一定的速度才能完成,尤其需要快速的力量,这就必须有爆发力。  拳击运动员进行力量训练,一般是采
一、练习攻防动作之前    1、攻防动作的定义  在空手道被视为秘技的时代,由于一般是个人锻炼,形得到了很大的发展。但是,自从空手道迅速大众化以来,由于在学校、公司、武馆等地进行得多了起来,攻防动作的练习,也就盛行起来了。不仅形,攻防动作的练习、掌握身体的动作方法与对手之间的间隔等非常微妙的情况也非常有用。但是,攻防动作最终也是形的应用,所以,必须要注意不要太注重攻防动作,而使得技巧散乱。    
(一)勾踢述要    勾踢是一种非常特别的腿法。其特别主要体现在它的打击轨迹,是由身体正面从内侧向外侧做水平的弧形运动。这与其它种类的腿法有很大的不同。另一特别之处是,勾踢所主要运用的腿部收缩肌是后群肌,而大部分的其它腿法运用的都是股四头肌。  在跆拳道中勾踢是最不容易掌握的腿法。主要原因是其要求练习者必须具有较好的柔韧素质与较好的身体协调素质。故我们在练习勾踢时一定要提高相关的身体素质,以更好地
八极拳技击实战中讲究贴身靠打,“四击”并用,其招法刁钻狠辣,难以对付,目前国内许多地方武警、经警、保安以及公安人员的业务培训都把八极拳列为重要训练项目。  挂蹋是八极拳门具有代表性的技击技术之一,下面就将其练法和用法介绍给读者,以作抛砖引玉。    一、挂蹋的练法    1、偷步挂蹋  预备式(图1)。  由预备式起左脚向前上一小步后脚尖内扣,随即上体右转,右脚向左脚后叉步(偷步);同时右掌向上掳
散手运动是以踢、打、摔等技术徒手对抗的项目,对抗激烈易受伤、运动负荷大、易疲劳,因此,散手训练中要安排恢复训练。  恢复训练是指使用合理的恢复手段及方法加快队员体力和精神疲劳的消除,修复运动创伤、恢复和提高机体的活力,为散手技能的提高打下基础。    一、恢复训练的意义    以往散手训练重视技战术的训练研究,而对散手训练中的恢复训练认识不足。训练结束后的恢复基本是顺其自然,自行恢复,消极对待,造
拳击史上被称作“世纪之战”的刘易斯与泰森的大火拚,在亿万人的目睹下,经过24分钟的较量,最终以泰森被打倒地不起而结束。这场精采的赛事原一一刻在了历史上2002年6月9日这一天上 提任本场 台上裁判的考顿也有幸地被一起在8个回合生死搏斗的画卷中。  最令人动情的是当泰森在众人扶抱起来,回到自己角橙上稍事休息清醒后,他忽的想起什么,急忙站起缓缓地向刘易期走去,再不见他满脸的杀气和会狂的铮宁,像是个温顺
7月25日至27日,在上海举行了首届世界杯武术散打比赛。这是由国际武联举办的第一次全世界范围内的最高水平、最高规格的武术散打单项比赛。  在谈到第一届世界杯散打赛为什么由中国主办时,国际武联秘书长严建昌说,武术源于中国,由中国来举办第一届世界杯散打赛,是国际武联88个国家和地区会员协会对中国的信任,同时也是中国不容推辞的职责和义务。    一、武术是唯一源于中国被国际奥委会承认的体育项目    目