赛前:李昌镐低迷论抬头 1月13日李昌镐在首届中环杯半决赛上半目不敌王立诚九段以后,“李昌镐低迷论”开始抬头。在LG半决赛前,有两盘棋为“李昌镐低迷论”提供了佐证。一是1月10日的国手战挑战第一局,一是中环杯半决赛。职业棋手们研究这两局棋以后对李昌镐的失误感到惊讶,而且一些声音认为李昌镐甚至没有赢棋的欲望。刘昌赫九段则干脆梦到了韩国棋手会在半决赛上全军覆没。
Before the game: Lee Chang-ho downturn on the rise January 13 Lee Chang-ho in the first half of the semi-finals of the Central Rebellion lost to Wang Lizhen nine, “Lee Chang-ho downturn ” began to rise. Before the LG semifinals, there were two chess sets that provided evidence for “Lee Chang-ho’s slump”. First, January 10, the first challenge of national defense battles, one of the semi-finals in the Central. After professional chess players studied the two sets of chess, they were surprised at Lee Chang-ho’s mistakes, and some voices said Lee Chang-ho did not even have the desire to win chess. Liu Chang-hyun Jiudu simply dreamed that the South Korean players will be annihilated in the semifinals.