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加强保险企业资金集中管理,对于防范保险企业资金风险,保障资金运转安全,提高资金使用效益具有重要意义。保险企业应建立以资金集中管理为核心的资金管理战略,建立收支两条线和资金预算管理模式,通过完善资金管理信息化系统,从银行帐户管理、资金预算管理、电子银行结算管理等关键环节入手,打造全流程的资金集中管理模式,为保险企业又好又快发展保驾护航。 Strengthening the centralized management of the funds of insurance enterprises is of great significance for preventing the risks of capital of insurance enterprises, ensuring the safe operation of funds and improving the efficiency of capital utilization. Insurance companies should establish a fund management strategy centered on the centralized management of funds and set up the two lines of revenue and expenditure and the budget management mode. Through the improvement of the information system of fund management, from the key of bank account management, capital budget management and e-bank settlement management Link to start the process of creating a centralized management of funds, good and fast development of insurance companies escort.
本文以我国2015年至2018年政府引导基金注资的公司为研究样本,研究了政府引导基金、 盈余管理和投资效率三者之间的关系,通过研究,得出以下结论:企业的盈余管理水平与企业的