,Fano Effect and Anti-Resonance Band in a Parallel-Coupled Double Quantum Dot System with Two Multi-

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lywy0201
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A parallel-coupled double quantum dot (PCDQD) system with two multi-quantum dot chains is designed.Conductance versus Fermi energy level is investigated utilizing the non-equilibrium Greens function approach.If two quantum dots are added on each side of the PCDQD system,additional Breit-Wigner and Fano resonances occur in the conductance spectra.If quantum dots are added on one side of the system,small Fano resonances can be observed in the conductance spectra.Adjusting the number of side-coupled quantum dots,the anti-resonance bands emerge at different positions,which makes the system applicable as a quantum switching device.Moreover,the I V characteristic curve presents the step characteristic and the width of the step decreases with increasing the number of side-coupled quantum dots.
白蚁、蚂蚁要分清  人们在想办法消灭这群不速之客的时候,通常会说一句,“这些蚂蚁真可恶。”相信一旁的蚂蚁听到这话很想大声疾呼:“这个黑锅我们不背!”确实,这群让人烦恼的飞行兵并不是长了翅膀的蚂蚁,而是我们今天的主角——白蚁。虽然名为白蚁,但它们并不都是白色的,还有黄色、褐色甚至是黑色的,正因为如此,蚂蚁经常会成为冤大头。  其实想把蚂蚁和白蚁区分开并不难,蚂蚁是膜翅目昆虫,白蚁是等翅目,它们最多算
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