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  Let’s run in the morning!
  Whether you already have a regular running routine or you’ve been meaning to start one, consider these 5 benefits of running in the morning. While running is widely considered to be one of the best ways lose weight and stay healthy, very few people talk about when to do it. Here are five ways in which running in the morning can benefit you:
  Weight-loss: One of the primary reasons regular runners pound the pavement is to burn calories and to lose weight. Some experts, however, believe that running on an empty stomach in the morning burns more calories than any other time of the day. This has to do with two things: if your body’s metabolism gets turned on early, it keeps going longer, thus burning off more fat. Secondly, if you run on an empty stomach, your body is forced to use the energy that is most available to it at the time, which on an empty stomach is your body’s store of fat. Make running your first activity of the day if you want to amp up those weight-loss benefits.
  Peace of mind: Most runners will agree that running helps clear the mind and get those creative juices flowing. Problems are solved and ideas are born as the road glides along under your feet. This probably has to do with the release of hormones called endorphins, which have a peaceful, calming, and refreshing effect on your mind and body. So why not kick in those powerful endorphins early in the day? If you know you’re going to have a rough day ahead of you, a good way to preemptively combat those stresses is to run in the morning. Try it out; you might just find that your work day seems a lot less stressful than it usually is.
  No excuses: By running in the morning, all of the typical excuses for not exercising (e.g. a lack of time, or missing happy hour with your buddies) can be put to rest. Getting your exercise done first thing in the morning also gives you that jump start you need to keep moving throughout the day, which helps rid you of excuses for other important tasks that you would normally not feel like doing.
  Less pollution: Among the many benefits of running in the morning is getting out on the road before the cars and busses beat you to it. The exhaust left behind from vehicles can increase the risk of heart disease and cancer, so slip on your jogging shoes in the early morning if you want to breathe in the cleanest air possible.
  Go farther: There is no doubt about it; the air is not only cleaner, but also much cooler before the sun’s rays have begun to bake the road under your feet. Running in the morning is the best way to avoid hot weather, heat stroke, and stifling humidity. Runners that exercise in a cool climate can often run longer and go farther than those who work out in the heat.   Now set your alarm clocks tonight because these benefits of running in the morning are worth waking up early for.
  pavement [′pe?vm(?)nt] n. 人行道
  metabolism [m?′t?b?l?z(?)m] n. 新陈代谢
  hormone [′h?:m?un] n. 激素;荷尔蒙
  preemptively [pri′emptivli] adv. 优先地
  typical [′tipik?l] adj. 典型的;特有的;象征性的
  exhaust [iɡ′z?:st] vt. 排出;耗尽;使精疲力尽;彻底探讨 vi. 排气 n. 排气;废气;排气装置
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现在都市生活的节奏越来越快,人们越来越忙碌,每天上班下班睡觉,日子重复、单调。我们需要改变现状的话,就只有一条途径,那么就是放轻松,告别单调的颜色,为生活增加更多明亮,心情自然而然开阔起来,而iMagic的设计理念正是如此,希望通过手机简简单单的触控,便能掌控多彩生活。  在大多数人眼里,开灯与关灯需要用手去触控墙壁上的开关,对于无线灯光控制理念不是很了解,一时间也无法改变自身早已习惯的控制方法。
严格来说,“土豪”不是新词,而是旧词新用。如果检索这个词的历史,会发现它的涵义至少经历了三次变迁,每一次词义的变化,其实都是时代精神的折射。  一千多年前的人们已经在使用“土豪”一词,如《南史》:“州中有土豪,外修边幅,而内行不轨。”这里的“土豪”是一个偏正式的中性词,意指“地方(土)的豪强”。它反映了传统社会的一种治理结构:地方的治理秩序,通常由当地豪强即士绅阶层所主持,在一定程度上对国家权力形
唐朝开元22年,34岁的李白从湖北安陆来到襄阳,他前一年还在安陆的桃花岩当宅男,一边读书,一边耕地,但宅男当不下去了,还是想找份工作。傲气的李白不想参加任何形式的考试,他想要用人单位主动请他,但这请也得有人推荐。在唐朝,找一个有分量的人给你写一封推荐信,也是找工作的途径之一。找谁呢?有个现成的人,就在襄阳。  此人是襄阳的父母官韩朝宗,人称“韩荆州”,韩前辈推荐贤才,而且推荐的人采用率高,都能找到
踢过球和看过球的都知道,一支优秀的球队,既需要优秀的球员发挥各自所长,又要有出色的教练来排兵布阵。这就像汽车的混合动力系统,通过良好的控制系统来协调不同能源的特点,扬长避短。现在市面上最常见的是油电混合动力汽车,就是使用汽油(或柴油)和电动机。混合动力汽车并不算是个“新生儿”,而是个名副其实的“老人儿”,它伴随着汽车工业的发展已经有了超过100年的历史。  1900年,斐迪南·保时捷研制成了第一辆