1 七月鲜 果实卵圆形,果面平整,平均果重29.8克,最大果重74.1克。果个均匀,果皮薄,深红色,表面蜡质较少,可溶性固形物含量28.9%,可食部分重97.8%。鲜枣味甜,肉质细,极宜鲜食,无采前落果现象。8月下旬红熟,比梨枣早上市20~30天左右。同时克服了梨枣采前落果严重、未红先蔫、肉质粗的特点。该品种丰产稳产、抗旱,是难得可贵的极早熟优良鲜食品种,可在我省枣区大面积推广。
1 July fresh fruit is oval, smooth fruit, the average fruit weight 29.8 grams, the maximum fruit weight 74.1 grams. Fruit uniform, thin skin, dark red, less waxy surface, soluble solids content of 28.9%, edible part of the weight of 97.8%. Sweet jujube taste, fleshy, very fresh, without falling before the phenomenon of mining. Red ripening in late August, pear market earlier than 20 to 30 days. At the same time to overcome the pear jujube serious deciduous fruit before harvest, the first red is not red, thick meat characteristics. The varieties of high and stable yield, drought, is rare and very good early fresh varieties, in our province a large area to promote.