“夜开花”的学名叫瓠瓜,亦称扁蒲、葫子、瓠子。葫芦科。葫芦的变种。一年生攀援草本。叶心脏形,花白色,夕开晨闭,所以称它为“夜开花”。瓠果长圆筒形,绿白色,幼嫩时密生白软毛,其后渐消失。嫩果供食,绿白色,柔嫩多汁,果肉白色。原产非洲及印度,我国普遍栽培。 我国关于瓠瓜的最早记载,见于新石器时代的陶壶器形及甲骨文中的“壶”、“(人且)”字,似依葫芦形状而来。《诗经》(公元前1066年~前541年)有瓠瓜的记载。 每100克嫩果含水分95克左右、蛋白质约0.6克、脂肪0.1克及碳水化合物3.1克,
“Night flowering” scientific name is 瓠 melon, also known as flat Pu, 葫子, 瓠 子. Cucurbitaceae. Gourd variants. An annual climbing herb. Leaf heart-shaped, white flowers, open morning open morning, so call it “night flowering.” Mango long cylindrical, green and white, white and soft white hair when young, then gradually disappear. Tender fruit feeding, green and white, juicy and tender, white flesh. Originated in Africa and India, our country generally cultivated. The earliest records of our country on gourd melon, found in the Neolithic pottery shape and Oracle in the “pot”, “(and)” word, it seems to follow the gourd shape. “The Book of Songs” (1066 BC to 541 BC) there is a cuckoo record. Per 100 grams of tender fruit contains about 95 grams of water, protein, about 0.6 grams, 0.1 grams of fat and carbohydrates 3.1 grams,